Friday, August 12, 2011

I Asked for Call of Duty Modern Warfare

The Best Video Game Ever (Sarcasm)

I asked for Call of duty Modern Warfare for Christmas. This is what I got: 4 films Modern Warfare Collectors Set

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Its a Girl


The Reason any Girl Would Play Black Ops

Me playing call of duty map (Shangri-la) with boyfriend.
Yay water! I love water slides and waterfalls! *stands under waterfall* Ooh vibration!
*puts controller between legs*
I shall keep w-w-atch here and ONLY h-h-here.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Onion: Modern Warfare 3, The Greatest Game Ever

We appreciate the efforts and sacrifices of our troops, but The Onion’s Modern Warfare 3 suggests a better name for the ultra-realistic military sim: the Call of Monotonous Duties.

Monday, July 11, 2011

CoD Black Ops LAN Party Rant

This is something I actually found while browsing around in craigslist under the New Haven rants and raves tabs regarding this mans Call of Duty Black Ops Lan party. Note this is not mine. I just merely found this years ago while searching around on craigslist. 
Here is exactly what he posted word for word:
Ok here's the deal. If you're not on the level, then don't bother responding.
I'm looking for up to 5 dues to come over for a CoD Black Ops LAN party. I want dudes who are serious about playing some fucking Black Ops,and have some serious fucking skills. Grenade spammers and noob tubers need not respond. If you don't know what either of those things are, then you're out. If you don't know the difference between lightweight and lightweight-pro, then you're out. If you haven't prestiged at least once then you're out. 

You must be 21 or over. I will fucking card you, and if you're not, then your fucking asss is to the curb. Last time I did this I eneded up with a bunch of 12 year olds who got dropped off by their mom, and I had to put the beer away and bust out the fucking kool-aid. My house is not fucking Chucky Cheese. I will supply beer and munchies. You can bring weed if you want, but you better have enough for everyone, and it better be good weed and not that New Haven ghetto shit. 
You must bring your own TV. i have plenty of bandwith and outlets, but I'm not a TV warehouse for fuck's sake. My mom usually passes out at around 9ish depending on what pain med she's eating, so after that we can get as tore up as we want. Until then, its yes ma'am no ma'am or your ass is to the curb.
This is for real and it's not one of those circle jerk jack off parties. You pull your dick out anywhere besides the bathroom with the door shut, and I'll sic one of my Dobermans on your ass. This reminds me: No black dudes. Nothing Personal, but my dog don't like black people ever since our black neighbor got fucked up on meth and tried to fuck one of my dogs. Now my dogs go ape shit every time they see a black person. Trust me, you don't need a new asshole chewed in you, and I don't need a lawsuit. 
I'm looking to get this shit rolling this weekend on Saturday night. If it works out, and you aren't a total fuck-wad, then it might turn into a regular thing. 

Here is the picture directly off of Craigslist.

Duty Calls: The Calm Before the Storm

Epic Games and People Can Fly's bring you Duty Calls, a new downloadable game that intentionally parodies Activision's Call of Duty.

The game -- it's called Duty Calls: The Calm Before The Storm -- pokes plenty of fun at the Call of Duty brand from its logo and visual palette to its dialogue and objectives, which often elect being true to conventions of the military game genre over being especially surprising or inventive. This almost seems to true for the upcoming new game Modern Warfare 3.

"Here's your objective," a gruff, soldierly voice barks in the online trailer. "Blah blah blah blah secret base; blah blah nuclear missile bomb."

Epic's Cliff Bleszinski joined the fun, as quoted on Twitter: "Wow. I'm blown away. This game will redefine military shooters for years to come," he twitted.

Here is a simple walkthrough the hilarious new game.
You can download the game here.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Whitest Kids You Know: Call of Duty 4 Skit [HD]

The Whitest Kids You Know bring us a hilarious skit of Call of Duty Four online. 
LIsten to him screaming "I WASNT EVEN THERE!" while his "friends" quickly escape the game to the lobby to avoid his annoying voice and screams to his mom.

Everyone has probably experienced this one time or another while playing Call of Duty.